Pali Lookout

One of the most scenic overlooks in Oahu, Hawaii is also one of the most accesible. Located directly off the Pali highway and up a steep incline the pulloff area showcases panoramic views of the winward side of Oahu.

Pali Lookout

The air is often considerably colder even on the hottest summer days and rain is almost constantly falling to some degree. Additionally hiking trails both end and begin within the vicinity of the lookout but are not reccommended for the inexperienced or during the rainy season.

To reach the Pali Lookout head in the northeast direction on the highway and watch for the sign about a mile and half in on your right hand side which marks the turnoff. Before reaching the overlook area you can also take an additonal turnoff down Nuuanu Pali Dr or Old Pali Dr. This historic road winds slowly through some incredible tropical forests before meeting back up with the modern highway shortly afterwards.

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